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Agent Registration


If you are a listing agent with a new listing assignment, DO NOT REGISTER HERE.

Your asset manager will automatically set up a new account for you when we receive your new listing data. In most instances this happens the day AFTER you receive your listing assignment.

Once we have received your listing information from the asset manager, you will receive an automatic email notification from OfferSubmission with listing instructions; this indicates that your new listing is live and ready to receive offers


Password Instructions

You are required to change your password every 49 days.

  • Passwords are case-sensitive
  • Password must be a minimum of eight (8) characters
  • Password must contain both alpha and numeric or special characters (i.e. *!#%)
  • Password cannot contain any four-character string found in the User Name account
  • Password must not be the same as any of your previous four (4) passwords

Required Fields

Agent Information
Agent First Name
Agent Last Name
Agent's Real Estate License Number
Agent's Phone Number
Agent's Fax Number

Office Information
Office Name
Office Address
Office Address Line 2
Office City
Office State
Office Zip
Office Phone
Office Fax

Website/Login Information
User Name/Email Address   (to be used as your 'login id')
Repeat Email Address   (to make sure we've got it right)
Password   (min. 8 characters)
Repeat Password   (to make sure we've got it right)

Agree to terms and conditions   (see above)
Agree to offer processing fee   Agent acknowledges that all accepted offers will
require their Buyer to pay the current
Processing Fee at closing or settlement
(Processing Fee is $300 as of 12/1/2008).
(To help us avoid spam,
please enter [ 9R96 ] into this field.)

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